The Last Post

They shall not grow old,
As we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun,
And in the morning.
We will remember them.

by Laurence Binyon

"Lest We Forget"


The following names, are our Brothers in Arms, who have walked their last post. It is with reverence that we pay our respect to each and everyone one, as it was in the beginning, it shall be in the end, we will always be "Our Brothers Keepers..."

ABC  -  DEF  -  GHI  -  JKL  -  MNO   -  PQR  -  STU  -  VWX  -  YZ

Name Unit / Year Deceased
Abrahamson, Paul A. 212th 70'71' May 2, 2009
Ackerman, Gerald I. (Jerry) 212th 65'66' Dec 17, 2013
Adams, Richard B. 981st 70'/71' Jun 17, 2020
Allsup, Donald S. (Don)  595th 70'71' Nov 15, 1999
Anderson Claudis W. Jr. 595th 71'/72' May 6, 2003
Anderson, Jerry L. 981st 67'/68' Nov 13, 1994
Anderson, Joel M.  212th 65'/68' Dec 19, 2016
Archer, Caleb (Jack) E.  212th 66'/67' May 22, 2021
Archer, Frank  E. 981st 68'/69' Oct 4, 2023
Arkins, James M.  981st 69'/70' May 29, 1993
Arthur, Michael C. 981st 68'/69' Jun 3, 2021
Atchley, Stanley W. (Stan) 981st 69'/70' Jul 25, 2016
Aubrey, David F.   981st 71'/72' Aug 12, 2016
Aversano, Donald C.  Sr. 981st 68'/69' Mar 23, 2023
Babij, James S. 981st 70'/71' Apr 4, 2021
Badura, John S. 212th 66'/67' July 6TH, 1996
Bair, Ronny D. (Ron) 981st 70'/71' July 31, 1987
Baird, Samuel F. 212th 71'/72' Nov 5, 2020
Baker, David (Dave) 212th 67'/68' Jul 2021
Baker, George M.    981st 71'/72' Feb 17, 2003
Balbag, Jose 212th 71'/72' Nov 17, 2012
Ballard, Allen E. 981st 67'/68' Approx. 1991
Barbour, Roy L.  595th 70'/71' Aug 1, 2019
Barbour, Shelton L. 981st 71'/72' Feb 26, 1996
Barck, John C. (Jack) 212th 68'/69' May  9, 2014
Barley, Joseph S. Jr.  981st 69'/70' Jun 8, 2011
Barley, Raymond 981st 69'70' Oct 22, 2018
Barlow, David N.  981st 69'/70' Jun 28, 2021
Barnett, Louie D. (Butch) 212th 68'/69' Mar 3, 2015
Bartholmaus, David C. (Dave) 212th 65'/66' Jun 8, 2011
Bartley, John C 212th 69'/70' Oct 14, 2011
Bates, Steven 212th 70'71' Dec 22, 2020
Baucom, Stephen 212th 70'/71' Unknown
Baum, Gary C. 981st 69'70' May 27, 2018
Bays, Stephen E.  212th 70-71 Jul 20, 2020
Beaster, Russell 212th 68'/69' Apr 18, 2005
Beckwith Robert D. (Dave) 212th 69'/70' Jul 6, 2015
Belon, Robert (Bob) 212th 67'/68' Jun 18, 2019
Bennett, Allen M. 212th 66'/67' Feb 5, 2017
Bennet, Stephen A. 212th 65'/66' March 10, 2001
Bertolet John E.  212th 70-71 Jun 13, 2024
Betka, Dale P. 212th 68'/69' May 2, 2017
Beyer, Gilbert (Gil) 212th 67'/68' May 3, 2013
Bezic, John A. Jr. 981st 69'/70' Oct 30, 2007
Bias, Johnny Lee Sr.   595th 70'/71'/981st 71-72 Jan 6, 2017
Bieber, Stuart 212th 67'/68'
Bilderbeck, William T. (Bill) 212th 68'/69' Oct 5, 2020
Bingham, Daniel L. 212th 70'/71' May 4, 1982
Bisbee, Jerry E. 981st 69'/70' Mar - 1988
Bishop, Jodie R. Sr.  981st 69'/70' Jan 3, 2018
Biss, Robert S. 212th 68'/69' May 18, 2021
Blackburn, Randolph L.  212th 71'/72' Jul 21, 2011
Blackwell, Jack W.  212th 70-71 Aug 3, 2020
Blanchard, Jack C. 212th 66'/67' ? - 1968
Bloom, Gerald (Jerry) 212th 67'/68'  1985
Boguhn, James W. 212th 65'/66' Dec 1985
Boisvert, Joseph G. 212th 66'/67' Apr 29, 2021
Bokor, John G. 981st 70'/71' Dec 8, 2016
Bolton, Willie R. 981st 69'/70' Sep 25, 2011
Bonazza, James G.  981st 68'/69' Jul 18, 2010
Borg, Roland E. 212th 66'/67' 981st 68'/69' May 20, 2015
Botsko, Stephen K. 981st 70'/71' May 9, 2024
Bott, Craig L. 981st 67'/68' Feb 6, 2016
Boughton, Fredric D. 212th 69'/70' 2018
Bowles, Harry Watson III  212th 67'/68'  Jun 3, 2020
Boyers, DeAlton H. 981st 67'/68' Mar 16, 2019
Branch, Reed G.  981st 69'/70' Dec 13, 2017
Brand, Maynard 212th 69'/70' Apr 25, 2012
Breed, Joel T.  595th 70'71' Jan 5, 2013
Bremer, Wilford E. Sr. 212th 66'/67' Mar 15, 2019
Brewer, Jon M. Sr. 212th 65'/66' Mar 6, 2010
Bridges, Pearl E. 981st 71'/72' Nov 27, 1991
Brigance, Michael E. 981st 68'/69' Jan 29, 2023
Bright James L. (Jim) 981st 69'/70' Apr 20, 2022
Brinker, Douglas J. 212th 70'/71' July - 1992
Britt, Ralph P. 981st 70'/71' Sept 1976
Brown, Daul 212th 70'/71' Aug 9, 2005
Brown, Isom C. 595th 70'/71' May 28, 1992
Brown, Lawrence W. (Larry) 212th 65'66' May 28, 2009
Brown, McArthur  212th 70'/71' Aug 25, 2018
Browning, George A. (Gitano) 212th 70'/71' Feb 16, 2017
Brummett, Richard E. 212th 66'/67'  Jun 20, 2015
Brunson, James 981st 70'/71' May 22, 1990
Buchalla, Norman D.  212th 71'/72' Jun 10, 2018
Buckley, Charles F. 212th 65'/66' July 12, 2007
Buffaloe, Donald B. 212th 66'/67' May - 1983
Bunting Wayne H. 981st 67'/68' Aug 27, 2008
Burke, Richard V. Jr. 981st 70'/71' Jan 14, 2015
Burks, Charles W. 981st 67'/68' Oct 3, 1991
Burns, Frank L. 212th 65'/66' Dec 4, 2003
Busovicki, George (Poppy) Jr. 212th 67'/68' Jan 3, 2021
Bustamante, Miguel 212th 68'/69' July 31, 2020
Butler, Charles S. 981st 69'/70' Sep 4, 2002
Byrd, Lauchlin D. 212th 65'/66' Jan 20, 2024
Cain, Robert T. 981st 70'/71' Jun 7, 2018
Cali, Ronald 212th 67'/68' ? - 1969
Campbell, Winton Grier Jr.  Company Cdr 212th 65'/66' Apr 18, 2021
Canady, Melvin L. (Candy Man)  212th 65'/66' Jan 4, 2022
Carlsberg, Leighton (Lee) 212th 70'/71' Jun 23, 2017
Carlson, Gerald, J. (Jerry) 981st 67'/68' Jun 26, 2021
Carlton, Dale A. 981st 68'/70' July 25, 2017
Carmichael, Willie L. 595th 71'/72' Dec 2, 1996
Carpenter, Douglas O. 981st 70'/71' November - 1972
Carson, Joesph W. 212th 66'/67' May - 1984
Carson, Jon S. 212th 67'/68' Aug 13, 2022
Carsten, Drew A.  981st 71'/72' Aug 12, 2019
Cartrette, Roy R. 212th 69'/70' May 12, 2002
Casey, Larry E. 212th 70'71' Apr 24, 2021
Cassidy, Joesph S. 212th 66'/67' Sep 9, 2021
Chaffins, Terry M. 981st 68'/69' July 23, 2003
Chandler, Doyle. 212th/981st 67'/68' Apr 4, 2019
Chandler Walter D.  212th 71'/72' Aug 22, 2017
Chapman, Acie B. 981st 67'/68' Sep 17, 1981
Chapman, Oliver L. 981st 68'/69' Mar 11, 1971
Chartier, James D.  212th 65'/66' Nov 28, 2017
Chase, John A.  981st 71'/72' Nov 2017
Chavez, Eli I. Co B, 720th MP BN 69'/70' Nov 5, 2020
Chefchis, Gilber Jr. 981st 68'/69' Mar 26, 1986
Chenoweth, Lowell P. 212th 66'/67' Dec 18, 2001
Christian, Gary E. 212th 71'/72' 2022
Ciuffo, Dominic E. (Nick) 981st 69'/70' June - 1996
Clark Cary M.   981st 70'/71' May 19, 2009
Clark, Robert W..  981st 69'/70' Dec 18, 2018
Clover, Donald W. Sr. 212th 65'66' May 4, 2019
Coats, Larry 212th 67'/68' Unknown
Coaxum, Richard 981st 69'/70' Sep 25, 1994
Coffey, Brian 212th 67'/68' Unknown
Coffey, Kevin 212th 67'/68' Unknown
Coffin, Alan D. 212th 67'/68' Nov 19, 2013
Cole, Donald R.  212th 65'66' Dec 29, 2012
Collins, James l. 212th 70'/71' May 5, 2021
Collins, James P. 981st 69'/70' Nov 20, 1992
Collins, John W. 212th 71'/72' Jan 27, 2014
Comer, David R. 595th 70'/71' Aug 12, 1991
Compton, James E.  981st 68'/69' May 1, 2018
Conn, Charles R. 212th 67'/68' Jul 6, 2023
Conn, Ricky R.  212th 69'/70' Apr 10, 2005
Connearney, Kevin B.  981st 69'/70' Jan 12, 2023
Conner, James D. (Jim) 981st 67'/68' April 2003
Conway, Harrison E.  981st 69'/70' Jan 17, 2017
Conyers, Craig N. 981st 71/72 Dec 26, 2013
Cook, Robert L. 212th 65'/66' Dec 6, 2013
Cooper, Dennis A. 212th 69'/70' Jun2, 2003
Cooper, James A.  595th 70'71' Dec 25, 2020
Cooper, Terrance J. (Terry) 981st 67'/69' April 8, 2013
Cornelius, Larry D.  212th 70'71' Dec  2020
Costello, Michael C.  212th 65'/66' Jul 9, 2013
Costick, Harry V. 595th 71'/72' July 3, 2017
Cox, Benny C. 212th 70'/71' Feb 3, 1997
Cox, Robert E. (Bob) 212th 65'/66' Jul 19, 1990
Craddock, Gary R. 595th 70'/71' Jan 10, 2009
Cranmer, John E. 212th 69'/70' Jun 2, 1999
Crawford, Lieupo C. 212th 70'/71' Dec 12, 2012
Crawford, Steven D. 212th 69'/70' Sep 19, 2007
Crowder, Daniel (Dan) 212th 65'/66' March 1, 2018
Culbert, David R. 212th 67'/68' February - 1978
Currier, Gordon L. Jr 212th 67'/68' Jan 31, 1968 KIA
Custodio, James R.  981st 69'/70' Oct 11, 2020
Czarlinsky, Charles P. 212th 70'/71' Feb 15, 1994
Dabill, Jesse E.  212th/981st 71'/72' Nov 20, 2021
Dake, Dale E. 981st 70'/71' Sept 1994
Dallas, Daniel J.  981st 70'/71' Nov 30, 2022
Damon, George F. 981st 67'/68' March - 1995
Danner, Ronald (RD) 212th 69'/70' Nov 22, 2016
Danylin, Ronald B. 212th 65'/66' May 3, 2008
Davidson, Daniel C.  595th 70'/71' Apr 11, 2012
Davies, James D. 212th 69'/70' January 18, 2008
DeAngelis, Nicholas (Nick) 981st 70'/71' Jan 10, 2006
Dechene, Rodger A. 981st 71'/72' April 1989
Deedler, Ronald L. 981st 70'/71' July 20, 1972
Dejeet, Samuel F. Jr. (Sam) 595th 70'/71' Nov 15, 2002
Delgado, Richard A. 595th 70'/71' Feburary - 1986
Denenberg, Edward  212th 67'/68' Jul 16, 1985
Denison, David G.  212th 67/68 Aug 22, 2006
Dennis, Julius R.  595th 70'/71' Aug 2, 2020
Derryberry, Danny T. 212th 71'/72' December 2011
DeWitt, John L.   212th 70'/71' Jan 18, 2022
Dickerson, Charles D. 212th/981st 69/70 Jul 28, 2014
Dickmeyer, Robert (Bob) L. 981st 70'/71' July 6, 2018
Diggs, Charles C. 981st 69/70 Mar 18, 2021
Dikranis, George 212th 67'/68' Dec 24, 1999
Dischler, Arthur W.  212th 66'/67' Feb 14, 2018
Dobash, Charles F.  212th 67'/68' Dec 1, 2000
Dochat, Kenneth E.  212th 69'/70' May 30, 2007
Dodge, Warren B.  981st 70'/71' Sep 26, 2018
Doherty, Joseph J. 981st 70'/71' Feb 2,  2003
Dominello, Armand V. Jr.  981st 69'/70' Aug 9, 2010
Dozier, Larry E.  981st 70'/71' Jan 29, 2017
Dozier, Wallace K.  981st 69'/70' Oct 19, 2010
Dragovich, Steven (Drag, Steve) 981st 70'/71' Aug 2022
Draper, Gary E. 981st 70/71 Jul 2, 2016
Droese, Gerald   212th 69'/70' May 9, 2015
Dudley, Tom W. 981st 70'/71' January - 1987
Duffle, Jack H. 212th 71'/72' Aug 15, 2012
Dumbaskas, James J. 212th 69'/70' July 8, 1980
Dunaway, Michael A. 981st 69'/70' July 2, 1999
Duren, Lane K. 595th 70'/71' Jun 6, 1987
Durrence, James W. 595th 71'/72' Dec 31, 2019
Dushane, Bernard A. 981st 69'/70' Jan 1988
Dworznick, James J. (Jim) 981st 71'/72' May 25, 2008
Dyni, Emil E. 981st 67'/68' Sep 5, 2020
Dyer, Paul R.   212th 71'/72' Feb 28, 2008
Edwards, Aquillia T. 981st 70'/71' Oct 18, 2002
Ehlert, Gene D. 981st 69'/70' Nov 18, 2015
Eller, Gerald M. 981st 69'/70' Dec 3, 2005
Ellingson, Hilding 212th Hawk 65'/66' May 7, 2020
Emming, Joseph C. 981st 71'/72'
Englert, Larry J. 212th 66'/67' March - 1996
Ennes, Leroy L. (Wally) 212th 69'/70' Oct 18, 2015
Eriksen, Carl D. 212th 65'/66' February 8, 2016
Ewert, Phillip L. 212th 66'/67' Mar 28 2016
Faircloth, Ronnie D. (Ron) 212th 69'/70' Sep 5, 2011
Fallon, James J. III (Jimmy) 981st 70'/71' Mar 5, 2013
Feddo, Peter A. 981st 67'/68' March 7, 2001
Ferber, John W. 981st 69'/70' October 30, 1974
Fink, Frederick S. 212th 65'/66' November - 1992
Fisher, Lowell F. 212th 67'/68' Nov 16, 2017
Fleming George H.   981st 70'/71' Oct 29,  2014
Flippin, Ronnie D.  981st 70'/71' Jan 28, 2015
Flythe, Thomas Y Jr.   981st 68'/69' Apr 5, 2022
Fogg, James M. 981st 70'/71' Jan 6, 2008
Foley, Bernard J. 212th 67'/68' May 23, 2004
Fontenot, Clabert R.  212th 70'71' Oct 2023
Ford, David W. 212th 71'/72' Jan 2023
Forest, Hugh P. 212th 70'71' Jul 27, 2021
Forstner, Joseph A. 981st 67'/68' Aug 13, 2022
Fowler, John W. 981st 67'/68' Aug 20, 2018
Fox, Timothy A. 212th 68'/69' Feb 21, 1971
Franklin, Jerry D.  212th 66'/67' May 21, 2012
Freedman, Gary M.  212th 67'/68' Jun 24, 2022
Frost James M. (Jim)   981st 71'/72' Apr 4, 2022
Galloway, Charles T. (Terry) (Edward (Ed)) 212th 71'/72' October - 2009
Galvin, Thomas Francis, Sr. 212th 65'/66' Feb 11, 2021
Garcia, Stephen J. 981st 71'/72' Oct 27, 2000
Gardner, Adam L. 981st 67'/68' October - 2001
Garner, Glen D.  212th 68'/69' Jul 17, 2005
Garrison Thomas 212th 66'/67' Unknown
Gearhart, Harold L. 981st 70'/71' Feb 26, 2023
Gebhard, James 212th 69'/70' Jul 3, 2022
Gelarden, Bradley E.  981st 71'/72' Oct 7, 2013
Gerdes, Kelly R. 212th 65'/66' Sep 1977
Geueke, Joseph 595th 70'-71' Aug 6, 1999
Gilreath, Gary Allan 212th 71'/72' Nov 21, 2012
Gitchell, Robert C.  (Bob) 212th 65'/66' Dec 23, 2022
Glanz, Christophe K. (Chris) 981st 68'/69' Sep 16, 2012
Glass, Lawrence M.  212th 70'71' Dec 14, 2020
Glunz, Charlie J. 981st 67'/68' Jan 11, 2019
Goalen, Jon R. Jr. 212th 66'/67' May  1989
Goffigan, Sherman L.  212th 66'/67' July 19,  2007
Goldman, Al 212th 66'/67' Jan 15, 1997
Golden, Frederick W. 981st 70'/71' Sep 27, 2011
Gorman, David C. 981st 67'/68' May 23, 2002
Grabis, Louis J. 212th 65'/66' Oct 9, 2008
Grace, Albert W. (Gracie) 981st 69'/70' April 12, 2011
Grace, Robert L. 212th 71'/72' May 22, 2002
Graves, Lawrence E. 212th 69'70' Apr 30, 2024
Graves, Woodrow A. (Woody) 212th 65'/66' Aug 10, 2015
Green, Gary M. 981st 70'/71' Jan 27, 1998
Greer, Donald J. 981st 69'/70' Dec 17, 2013
Grier, Franzell M.  595th 70'71' Nov 4, 2016
Griffin,  Eddie D. 595th 70'71' Nov 17, 2008
Griffis, Jerry M. 595th/981st70'/71' Nov 22, 2011
Guntorius, William P. 212th 71'/72' March 8, 2015
Guzak, Charles J. (Charlie) 981st 68'/69' Sept 23, 2017
Haas, Richard E.  212th 69'/70' Ma 31, 2020
Hadwyn, Jimmie C. 981st 69'/70' Feb 1, 2020
Hahn, Charlie 212th 66'/67' Apr 4, 2021
Hall, Ralph  981st 70'/71' Aug 11, 2007
Hamblin, Ralph 981st 70'/71' April 15, 2003
Hamernick, Robert E. 981st 67'/68' July 29, 2010
Hamilton, Joe S. 212th 69'/70' February - 2003
Handley, Roger  212th/981st 67'/68' Mar 31, 2008
Hanley, Howard (Jay) 212th 65'/66' Jan 2019
Hannum David P. (Dave) 212th 70'/72' Jan 27, 2022
Hardin, David K. (Short Dick) 981st 69'/70' August 20, 1978
Harding, Lynn R. 212th 69'/70' Apr 4, 2013
Hargreaves, Thomas W. 212th/981st 69'/70' July - 1986
Harrell, Michael D. 981st 69'/70' April 30, 2007
Harriman, Alan D. 981st 67'/68' Apr 16, 2022
Harris, Charles R.  212th 66'/67' May 2, 2019
Harris, Jessie E. 212th 67'/68' KIA Jan 31, 68
Harvey, Robert P. 981st 69'/70' March - 1990
Harwell, Freeman B. (Bud) 981st 68'/69' Dec 28, 1947
Hathaway, Donald C.  981st 68'/69' Sep 21, 2022
Hawkins, John L. 981st 69'/70' May 5, 2008
Hawkins, Lynn 595th 70'71' Dec 19,2023
Hein, George S.  981st 68'/69' Aug 3, 2015
Helfert, Gordon L.  212th 71'/72' Aug 10, 2016
Henderson, Dennis (Hendo) 212th 65'/66' Feb 6, 2017
Hendry, David M. 212th 69'/70' Aug 19, 2016
Herman, Henry A. 595th 70'71' Aug 18, 2019
Herron, Richard D. 981st 70'/71' Dec 5, 2022
Heule, Robert (Shimpo)  212th 71'/72' Jun 2, 2004
Hibbard, Edward C. 212th 65'/66' Nov 2, 2014
Hicks, Percy E. 212th 69'/70' Nov 3, 2008
Higgins, Thomas M. 212th 69'/70' Jul 31, 2019
Hill, David P. 212th 67'/68' June 29, 2011
Hill, Harold E. 981st 70/71 Jan 24, 2012
Hill, Richard A. 212th 67'/68' May 18, 1999
Hills, Gordon L. (Lynn) 981st 71'/72' Feb 19, 2013
Hizer, David  595th 70'/71' Mar 20, 2021
Hobbs, Charles E. Sr. (CPT) 212th 68'/69' May 25, 2000
Hobbs, Jack W. 212th 71'/72' June 20, 2015
Holland Russell E.  212th 68'-70' Jan 12, 2013
Holzberger, Richard S.  212th/Hawk 66'/67' Jan 24, 2016
Howell, Jerry H. 981st 69'/70' August 1980
Howells, William (Billl) J. 212th 69'/70' May 15, 2022
Hozier, Vincent C. (Vince) 212th 67'/68' Mar 18, 2007
Hudgens, Allen H. 981st 70'/71' May 1985
Hudnut, Kenneth A.  981st 68'/69' Jun 13, 2001
Huffman, Alfred J. 212th 66'/67' Sept 8, 1995
Huffman, Danny R. 212th 70'71' Jul 14, 2010
Hughbanks, Larry W.  212th 66'/67' Feb 26, 2008
Hughes, Rex L.  981st 71'/72' Jul 14, 2021
Hughes, Robert E. (Rob) 212th 65'/66' March 17, 2018
Humbles, Lester 212th 68'/69' Dec 2, 1995
Hunter, George M. 212th 70'71' Apr 28, 2016
Hurshman, Everett Eugene (Dean) 212th 65'/66' Oct 15, 2018
Hurston, Gregory (Greg) 212th 65'/66' March 7, 2015
Hutchins, Jerry 212th 69'/70' July 20, 2007
Hyatt, Donald L. 212th 70'/71' Sept 1979
Ingersoil, Norman K.  212th 65'/66' Dec 29, 2019
Ingoglia, Vincent G.  212th 69'/70' Apr 21, 2020
Ivey, Benjamin A.  981st 67'/68' Dec 27, 2003
Jackson, Marble L.   981st 71'/72' May 10, 2016
Jacobs, Ronald H.  212th 69'/70' Mar 4, 2005
James, Randall L. (Randy) 212th 67'/68' September 2012
Jansen, Loran B. 212th 65'/66' Feb 19, 1998
Jarvis, George L.  212th 71'/72' Dec 30, 2016
Jenkins, Charles W. 212th 66'/67' March - 1988
Jenkins, Steven Lee 981st 68'/69' Jan 15, 1969 KIA
Jensen, Rocky 981st 68'/69' Apr 6, 2023
Johnson, Floyd E. 212th 69'/70' Nov 19, 1995
Johnson Gary Robert 212th 65'/66' Jul 6, 2009
Jones, Horace 981st 69'/70' Nov 5, 2023
Jones, J.D. 212th 66'/67' ? - 1993
Jones Mack Allen 212th 67'/68' Jun 26, 2016
Jones, Michael R. (Mike) 981st 68'/69' Oct 9, 2008
Jones, William H. III 212th 67'/68' Jun 6, 2015
Jordan, Charles S.  212th 65'/66' Aug 20, 2017
Joyce, Jack (John) S.  212th 70'/71' 1992
Kazo, Thomas F. (Tom) 212th 66'/67' May 8, 2006
Keith Alton L. Sr. 212th 66'/67' Jul 18, 2011
Kelsey, George E. Jr 212th 66'/67' Jul 24, 2010
Kemp, Richard G.  981st 69'/70' Jan 21, 2009
Kershaw, William 212th 71'/72' Oct 4, 2021
Ketchum, Robert G. 212th 71'/72' Aug 3, 2003
Kilmer William A. 981st 70'/71' Nov 11, 2020
Kirby, William R. 981st 67'/68' ? - 1994
Kluz, William F. (Bill) 981st 71'/72' Jun 28, 2011
Knea, Dennis M. 212th 70'71' May 12, 2022
Knipes, Joseph F. Sr. 212th 65'66' Nov 29, 2021
Knott, William 981st 71'/72' Nov 26, 2019
Koehl, Donald A.  981st 70'/71' Aug 9, 2010
Koops James, Jr 212th 67'/68' Jul 25, 2003
Kottwitz,  Herman (Dan) 212th 65'/66' Sept 5, 2014
Kruger, James 212th 65'/66' Aug 2012
Kudar, Ronald F.  212th 69'/70' Mar 11, 2023
Kuhns, Maynard 212th 66'/67' Sept 8, 2010
Kukla, Daniel B. 212th 67'/68' Oct 26, 2016
Kulaga, Walter G.  212th 65'/66' Jan 11, 2000
Kusman, David J. (Dave) 981st 67'/68' Jun 30, 2015
Laabs, David L. 595th 70'/71' Jul 9, 2018
Laberdee, Richard J. 981st 69'/70' January 3, 1993
LaBombard, Henry F.  212th 65'/66' Feb 27. 2017
Labonte, Wayne  212th 66'/68' Nov 10, 2000
Lacey, George E. 981st 70'/71' Feburary - 1973
Lambert, Michael C. 212th 69'/70' Apr 6, 2008
Lament, Charles  T. 981st 71'/72' Dec 5, 2020
Lamour, Gary C. 212th 67'/68' August 7, 2002
Landers, James (Jim) 981st 70'/71' April 27, 2012
Lapinsky, Charles  212th 65'/68' Mar 2008
Lapsley, Phillip A. 212th 65'/66' Jul 11, 1968
Larsen, Peter T. (Pete) 212th 65'/66' Sep 2016
Larson, John C. 212th 70'/71' November - 1982
Lascola, Angelo P. 212th 66'/67' Mar 3, 2013
Laubach, Bruce N. 212th 65'/66' Sept 5,  1997
Lavigne, Leroy.  212th 65'/66' Jun 7, 2021
Lawler, William C. 981st 69'/70' October - 1982
Lay Larry  212th 69'/70' Nov 10, 2012
Leach, Dennis L.  212th 71'/72' Oct 18, 2023
Leary, Richard T.  212th 67'/68' Aug 18, 2002
Legaspi, Robert F. 981st 69'/70' March 1, 2009
Leib, Michael T.  212th 70'/71' May 27, 2017
Lenton, Calvin 595th 70'71' Feb 8, 2008
Leonard, Joseph M. 212th 65'/66' Dec 3, 1994
Liggett, Lawrence G.  212th 65'/66' Oct 3, 2016
Litton, Robert (Bob) W. 212th 71'/72' Apr 29, 2019
Lively, Robert W. 212th 67'/68' ? - 1971
Lockner, Larry L. 212th 69'/70' Jan 25, 1995
Loendorf, Bruce A.   981st 67'/68' Aug 9, 2010
Long, George P. 981st 67'/68' Dec 10, 2013
Long, John W. 212th 71'/72' August 1, 2015
Loth, Edward W. (Ed) 212th 66'/67' June 3, 2011
Love, Jerry D. 212th 66'/67' Aug 12, 2013
Lujan, Glenn R.  212th 70'/71' Nov 2009
Lyle, William C. 981st 67'/68' Mar 25, 2023
Lyle, Walter E.  981st 69'/70' Apr 13, 1992
Majorowski, James L. (Jim)  212th 66'/67' Feb 4, 2014
Manis, Richard R. 212th 70'/71' March - 1986
Marks, Dennis L.  981st 69'/70' Sep 5, 2009
Martin, Daniel A. (Dan) 981st 67'/68' Feb 26, 2013
Martin, George W. 212th 69'/70' Nov 7, 2019
Martone, Anthony F. 981st 67'/68' Mar 19, 2021
Mashburn, Doyle J. 595th 71'/72' Aug 23, 2020
Mastrorilli, Robert D.  212th 66'/67' Apr 6, 2019
Matthews, Rex L. 212th 65'/66' Sep 21, 2018
Mazzeo, John A.  981st 68'/69' Jan 11, 2000
McCafferty, James 212th 67'/68' Nov 30, 2020
McCloskey, William (Bill) O. 981st 67'/68' Jul 12, 2023
McConnell, Lawrence P.  212th 69'/70' Jul 20, 2011
McCullar, Ernest D. 595th 71'/72' Dec 2, 1989
McCumber, Freddie O. 212th 69'/70' May - 1991
McDonald William (Bill) J. 212th 65'/66' Oct 1, 2009
McGuire, Keith E. 981st 70'/71' Apr 7, 2020
McKenna, Daniel O. 595th 71'/72' Jun 20, 2016
McKinley, Billy 212th 65'/66' Feb 9, 2009
Mead, Marvin L. 212th 69'/70' Jan 28, 2009
Meier, John  212th 71'/72' Unknown
Miller, Roger J.  981st 70'/71' Jul 3, 2009
Mills, William H. (Bill) 212th 65'/66' Dec 17, 2019
Milner, Charles E. (Chuck) 981st 67'/68' Jan 10, 2020
Miltner, Terry A.  981st 70'/71' Mar 21, 2020
Mittnacht, Michael J.
981st 67'/68' Nov 30, 2013
Mize, James L. 212th 65'/66' Nov  11, 1986
Mogridge, William P. (Bill) 212th 65'/66' Oct 26, 2016
Molfetto, James F.   595th 71'/72' Dec 23, 2006
Molina, Salvador 212th 66'/67' Jul 26, 2019
Mongello, Vincent T.  212th 70'/71' Jul 24, 2006
Monkiewicz, Joseph P. (Monk) 981st 69'/70' May 8, 2009
Monroe, Jack M. 212th 69'/70' Apr 29, 2014
Monsour, David G. 212th 68'/69' Jan 16, 15
Montoya, Donis E. 981st 67'/68' Dec 18, 2018
Mooney, Michael D. 212th 66'/67' Apr 8, 2008
Moore, William H. (Bill) 212th 65'/66' Nov 24, 2007
Morgan, Clyde E.  212th 65'/66' Jan 4, 2011
Morris, William J. (Mad Dog) 212th/981st 67'/68' Oct 28, 2022
Morrison, Warren Rodney (Tank) 981st 67'/68' April 1, 2017
Morrow, James T. 212th 65'/66' Aug 9, 2019
Moses, Stephen A. 212th 68'/69' October - 1973
Mount, Robert A.  981st 70'/71' Apr 27, 2018
Mueller, Gary E. (Speedo) 212th 69'70'
595th 70'/71'
October 21, 2009
Mulligan, Patrick T. 212th 66'/67' Feb 12, 2016
Mullins, Earl T. 212th 65'66' Jun 7, 2008
Mullins, Jack R. 981st 67'/68' October 2, 2002
Musser John D. 595st 71'/72' Jun 5, 2013
Myers, Donald J. (Don) 981st 69'/70' Dec 6, 2013
Myers, Orea Jr. 981st 67'/68' Jul 31, 2004
Newbigging, James E. 595th 70'/71' Jan 20, 2008
Newsome, Gaynor J. 981st 69'/70' Apr 9, 2020
Nice, Joseph L. 212th 65'/66' Nov 30, 1996
Nicholson, Charles C.  212th 65'/66' Jul 24, 2010
Nickelson, John R. 212th 69'70' Feb 28, 2012
Nickens, Samuel V.  212th 71'/72' Nov 18, 1997
Nobbe, Melvin G. (Mule)  981st 67'/68' Aug 24, 2004
Noel, Robert J. (Bob) 212th 65'/66' Dec 28, 2014
Nolley, Jesse R. 212th 66'/67' Jan 16, 2006
Norkus, George T.   981st 71'/72' Jan 30, 2023
Norris, King H. 212th 71'/72' Apr 16, 2024
Oakes, Mitchell W. 981st 67'/68' Jul 12, 2015
Officer, Donald E. 212th 67'/68' January - 1972
Ojeda Angel DeAvila 212th 69'/70' Sep 18, 2017
Olsen, John 981st 67'/68' Unknown
Orcutt, Stephen G. 981st 70'/71' Jan 21, 1979
Orestuk, Daniel R.  212th 71'/72' Unknown
Ornelaz, Johnny A. 212th 69'/70' Nov 1, 2023
Osen Eric G. (Ogie) 212th 69'/70' Feb 6, 2011
Ostrom, Peter A. 212th 67'/68' April - 1985
Ostuni, Ralph 212th 68'/69' March 28, 2016
Palmer,  Allan R. 981st 68'/69' Apr 9, 2021
Palmer, Lewis L. (Lew) 212th 71'/72' Nov 6, 2021
Pankey, Patrick L. (Pat)  981st 69'/70' Nov 9, 2016
Parent, Richard F. (Dick) 212th 65'/66' Sep 13, 2023
Parks, Halmond L.  981st 67'/68' Mar 2, 2023
Partin, Tee 212th 66'/67' Nov 2, 2005
Patch, David C. 212th 67'/68' Jan 2, 2009
Patterson, Gregory D. 981st 70'/71' Aug 26, 1998
Patton, Donald L. (Don) 981st 68'/69' Oct 29, 2018
Patton, Joe L.  595th 70'/71' Oct 29, 2018
Pelkey, John E. 212th 71'/72' Nov 17, 2009
Pelletier, Richard M.  (Rich) 981st 68'/69' Sep 11, 2015
Perkins, Gerald 981st 69'/70' May 28, 2007
Peters, Darwin Q. 212th 66'/67' August - 1996
Peterson, Brian G. 212th 69'/70' Jun 4, 2010
Petit, Michael J.  212th 69'/70' Nov 26, 2009
Picken, Frederick T. (Fritz)  981st 71'/72' March 16, 2017
Pickering, Irving L. 212th 66'/67' Feb 25, 2019
Piggs Verdell C. 981st 70'/71' Aug 3, 2000
Pine, David 212th 67'/68' Nov 12, 2005
Plinz, Michael R. 212th 69'/70' Jul 3, 2017
Poe, John T.  595th 70'71' Sep 18, 2018
Policelli, Arthur W. 981st 69'/70' May 19,  2011
Polivka, Robert A. 981st 69'/70' June 27, 2018
Popeson, George J.  212th 69'/70' Jul 19, 2000
Postiglione, Joesph 981st 67'/68' June - 1989
Pravata, Thomas W. 981st 68'/69' May 17, 2020
Price, Arnie L.  981st 69'/70' Sep 11, 2012
Prince, Gerald L. 981st 70'/71' Feb 28, 2020
Pruitt, Larry Dean 212th 69'/70' Unknown
Przybyl, Arthur K. 212th 65'/66' February 2017
Pulver, Charles V. 212th 67'/68' November - 1995
Quinlan, Richard J. 212th 65'/66' Feb 27, 2017
Quintana, Carlos J. 212th 67'/68' November - 1989
Raison, Joseph F.  212th 65'/66' Jan 22, 2006
Rasbeary, Larry J. (Joe) 212th 67'/68' Jan 11, 2008
Ray, Mike 212th 65'/66' Nov 9, 2010
Reams, Charles  212th 68'/69' May 25, 2023
Redding, Dennis L. 212th 65'/66' Apr2, 1994
Rees, Michael A.  595th 70'/71' Aug 13, 2018
Reeves, Michael A. 981st 70'/71' Sep 6, 2021
Regnier, Michael R. (Mike) 212th 70'71' Nov 9, 2010
Reichel, James E.(Jim) 981st 71'/72' Jul 23, 2015
Reith, John M. (Pops)(Jack) 981st 69'/70' Oct 24, 2011
Revere, Don L. 212th 65'/66' Nov 2, 2008
Rice, Alan C. (Al) 981st 70'/71' Mar 17, 2003
Richmond, Gary L. 981st 70'/71' Oct 27, 2018
Rigsbey, Joseph P. 212th 69'/70' Jun 8, 2022
Rinehimer,William (Jed) 595th 70'/71' Dec 15, 2015
Ritzman, David R. 981st 67'/68' May 15, 2003
Rivera, Johnny L.  212th 66'/67' Mar 15, 2022
Rivers, Melvin E. 212th 71'/72' Feb 18, 2002
Rivet, Paul J. 981st 67'/68' Oct 12, 2009
Robertson David H.  212th 69'/70' Jun 22, 2020
Robertson, James M. 981st 71'/72' January - 1987
Robinson, David R. 981st 71'/72' Oct 9, 2015
Romness, Terry  212th 67'/68' 2023
Rooney, John F. 212th 65'/66' Jun 10, 1987
Ross, Keith A.  212th 67'/68' Sep 11, 2019
Runner, George F.  212th 70'/71' Sep 13, 2019
Russell, Robert I. 212th 65'/66' 1997
Rustad, Ronald E. 212th 71'/72' Aug 16, 2002
  < /tr>
Sadler, Robert E.  212th 65'/66' Jul 6, 2010
Sadlocka, Paul M. 981st 70'/71' Jan 3, 2011
Sailors, Jimmy D. 212th 67'/68' Feb 26, 2012
Sample, Patrick G. 212th 71'/72' Apr 4, 2001
Sanders, David B. 981st 67'/68' Sept 1997
Sauriol, Richard W. (Dick) 212th 65'/66' Sept 26, 2007
Savage, Harry H. 212th 69'/70' August 13, 2015
Sayles, Robert L. 212th 66'/67' Jan 28, 2012
Scarllott, William R. (Bob) 981st 69'/70' 2020
Schimick, Michael F.  212th 68'/69' Jul 1, 2022
Schmidt, Jerald R. (Jerry) 212th 67'/68' Aug 20, 2019
Schmidz, Jerome J. 981st 69'/70' Feb 20, 2021
Schmitz, John A.  212th 71'/72' Jul 29, 2012
Schneider, Arthur J. 212th 67'/68' May 30, 2015
Schnuriger, Alan J. 212th 66'/67' Aug 15, 2010
Schulte, Maurice Paul (Butch) 212th 65'/66' Nov 26, 2016
Scrougham, James E.  981st 69'/70' Jul 7, 2019
Seamans, David A. 212th 69'/70' October - 1996
Searcy, Steven (Steve) 212th 70'/71' Sept 22, 2010
Seimer, Thomas 212th 65'/66' 1971
Shaffery, John J. 212th 66'/67' May 29, 2007
Shaner, Ronald 212th 65'66' Mar 9, 2006
Sharpe, Robert A.  212th 67'68' May 21, 2010
Shea, Peter J.  212th 69'/70' Nov 21, 2013
Shirley, Jessie C. (Jake)  981st 69'/70' Jun 2, 2011
Short, Robert W. 212th 66'/67' Jul 15, 2018
Shultz, Gary L.  981st 70'/71' Aug 16, 2007
Siegel, Theodore H. (Ted) 212th 65'66' Nov 10, 2008
Sill, Grover B. 981st 68'/69' May 28, 2001
Silvetti, William M. (Bill) 212th 69'70' Jun 10, 2012
Simerly, Omar G. 212th 66'/67' July - 1983
Sims, Ronald Edward 212th 65'66' Oct 5, 2020
Skinner, George W. "Bill" 212th 67'/68' Sept 28, 2004
Slivinski, Joseph   595th 70'/71' Jun 29, 2014
Sloan, Allan M.  212th 69'/70' Jul 29, 2021
Sloan, Joesph W. 212th 66'/67' July - 1972
Smart, Carl W.  595th 70'71' ?
Smith, Charlie C. (Grandpa Smitty) 212th 71'/72' Jun 14, 2018
Smith, Ronald C. 212th 66'/67' Mar 3, 1967 KIA
Smith, William (Smitty) 981st 69'/70' Sep 10, 2004
Snider, Joe Ronald 212th 65'66' Aug 10, 2020
Sobing, John 981st 68'/69' Jan 5, 2023
Sons, Jimmy P.  981st 71'/72' May 27, 2020
Spence, Jere A.  212th 70'/71' Nov 12, 2009
Spinks, James L. (Louis)  212th 66'/67' Jul 17, 2022
Spitz, Louis F.  212th 65'/66' Aug 14, 2015
Sponholz, Russell R. 212th 69'/70' Aug 17, 2011
Sprague, Edgar J. 981st 71'/72' Sept 8, 2005
Springer, Thomas L. (Tom) 981st 70'/71' August 6, 2007
Stabile, Leonard M. 212th 66'/67' Jul 17, 1990
Stauffer, Stefan E. (Steve) 212th 70'/71' Feb 16, 2018
Steele, Jerry (Jeb) N.  212th 67'/68' Mar 22, 2020
Stephens, Donald J. 212th 70'71' Apr 6, 2023
Stevenson, Walter B.  212th 69'/70' Mar 30, 2003
Stewart, Bradley K. (Brad) 981st 70'/71' Oct 29, 2007
Stoddard, David F. 981st 68'/69' Jan 13, 2008
Stogner, Daryl R.   595th 70'71' Apr 11, 2015
Stout, Allen  595th 70'/71' Sep 12, 2017
Stover, Mack Junior (Max) (Peewee) 212th 69'/70' Nov 3, 2023
Stuart, Paul F. 212th 65'/66' March 30, 2016
Stuckey, Barrett N.(Barry) 212th 69'/70' Jan 4, 2012
Sullivan, Gene S. 212th 69'/70' Sep 4, 1974
Sultan, Jacques J. 981st 69'/70' November - 1983
Swails, Larry 212th 65'/66' March 20, 2020
Swanson, Gary F.  212th 70'/71' Mar 1987
Talley, Glenn N. 212th 68'/69' Mar 1997
Tanzosch, Frank J. 981st 67'/68' October 2009
Taulborg, Terry J. 981st 67'/68' Nov 5, 2013
Taylor, Robert W. (Bob) 212th 67'/68' Apr 1, 2017
Teates, Thomas N.  212th 70'71' Oct 31, 2021
Temple, Ralph S. 212th 68'/69' Nov 4, 2017
Terlecky, John M.  595th 70'/71' Sep 22 2004
Thalman, Danny B. 212th 68'/69' Dec 21, 2010
Thames, Jerry A.   595th 70'/71' Sep 9, 2017
Tharp, Daniel F. 212th 65'/66' Dec 26, 2010
Theriault, Russell P 212th 66'/67' Nov 20, 2012
Therolf, Donald J.  212th 65'/66' Sep 20, 2009
Theroux. Roland E.  212th 70'71' Jun 28, 2013
Thiesing, Michael D. 981st 69'/70' ? - 1989
Thigpen, Alvin A.   981st 70'/71' Jan 23, 2014
Thomas, Garrison C. 212th 66'/67' ?
Thompson, Richard L. (Dick) 212th 67'/68' Nov 5, 2012
Threatt, Gilbert H. 212th 70'/71' June 28, 1987
Thwaites, John R. 212th 65'/66' May 8, 2011
Tigner, Roy Joseph III (Joe) 981st 71'/72' Dec 7, 2007
Todd, Michael G. 212th 66'/67' November - 1992
Trautman, Andrew H. (Andy) 212th 69'/70' Oct 22, 2011
Trautman, Robert P.   981st 70'/71' Aug 3, 2019
Trost, Elmer E. Jr. 212th 70'/71' Apr 6, 2010
Tutza, Joe 212th 70'/71' Jan 1, 2013

Anderson Claudis W. Jr.
U'Ren, William E. 981st 67'/68' May 11, 2000
Uhlmansiek, Harley V. Jr.  212th 67'/68' October 31, 2016
Umstead, Jesse 212th 65'/66' Dec 13, 2004
Underwood, Paul C.  981st 67'/68' Oct 11, 2005
Urban, James J.  981st 69'/70' Nov 27, 2020
Valtin, Lawrence V. 212th 70'71' Aug 31, 1983
Vander Pooten, David O. 595th 70'/71' Feb 6, 2007
Vangelder, Darwin C. 981st 67'/68' March - 1975
Vickers, Cilden L.  212th 69'/70' Apr 28, 2019
Vugrin, William R. (Bill) 212th 69'/70' Mar 23, 2004
Waddell, Charles (Chuck) 212th 67'/68' December 31, 2016
Wagner, Allen R. 212th 65'/66' August - 1987
Walas, Richard S. Sr.  212th 70'71' May 27, 2016
Waldron, James T. (Wally) 981st 69'/70' Jul 28, 2018
Walker, William G. 212th 70'/71' ? - 1981
Waller, Karl R.   212th 71'/72' Mar 3, 2011
Ward, David James 981st 68'/69' July 4, 1968 KIA
Warren, Ronald L.  212th 67'/68' Sep 13, 2022
Watts, Charles A. 212th 65'/66' Mar 10,  2002
Watts, Donald E. 981st 70'/71' Apr 4, 1989
Weaver Donald E.  212th 69'/70' Sep 24, 2019
Weaver, Larry E. 981st 69'/70' Feb 14, 2011
Weaver, Lowell W. (Mick)  981st 68'/69' Mar 26, 2018
Weiler, James B. 981st 69'/70' Feb 18, 2015
Weiss, Ronald D. 981st 70'/71' Oct 17, 2018
Wertenberger , Jerome L. (Jerry) 981st 70'71' Oct 20, 2016
Wessels, James A. 212th 65'/66' Jun 24, 2016
Wheeler, Clyde T. 212th 67'/68' Dec 9, 2005
Whitlock, Larry W. 212th 69'/70' Apr 22, 2015
Whitt, Dean R. 981st 70'/71' Jan 19, 1973
Wickwire, Harry William 212th 67'/68' Oct 15, 2016
Wilbert, Phillip G.  212th 67'/68' Sep 20, 2007
Wilder, Robert S. (Bob) 212th 65'/66' May 12, 2021
Wilken, David A. (Wilkie) 981st 69'/70' Sep 1971
Wilkerson, Lonnie R. 212th 70'71' Dec 8,2023
Williams, Haywood J. 212th 69'/70' July - 1985
Williams, Rhaunal C.  212th 66'/67' Nov 29, 2023
Williams, Richard (Rick) 212th 66'/67'/595th/981st 70-71 2015
Willis, Curtis L. 981st 67'/68' May - 1977
Wilson, James C. 981st 70'/71' Aug 31, 2011
Wilson, Noble C.  212th 65'/66' Oct 31, 2009
Wimberly, Herman G. 981st 67'/68' Feb 16, 2018
Winegardner, James M.  212th 70'/71' May 30, 2004
Winslow, Terry C.  212th 66'/67' Jul 26, 2014
Wolfe, Richard A. 212st 67'/68' Jan 11, 2010
Wolfe, Richard A. 212st 68'/69' July 24, 2005
Wolfe, Robert L. 212st 66'/67' Jan 11, 2010
Wolford, Howard E. 212th 65'/66/ Sep 2005
Woodlief, Ronald C. 981st 68'/68' Jan 11, 2010
Wood. Richard (Wood) 595th 71'/72' Jul 11, 2020
Wylie, James W. 212th 69'/70' Feb 20, 2004
Yates, Edward (Ed) 981st 69'/70' Jan 2019
Yeater, James L. (Jim) 212th 69'/70' Jun 11, 2014
Zachrich, Michael L. 981st 69'/70' Nov 6, 1971
Zellers, David L. (Dave) 981st 70'/71' Dec 11, 2013
Ziemer, William E. 981st 67'/68' Apr 25, 2012
Zindt, Francis J. (Frank)  981st 69'/70'

Return to Index.

Created on 06/11/2003
by Jack Duffle

Last Updated on 07/03/2024
by G.S.