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{ A Thru E } { F Thru K } { L Thru Q } { R Thru V } { W Thru Z } |
Unit | Name | E-Mail Adresses | |
212th - 70/71 | Abels, Larry J. | larryjabels@yahoo.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Adams, Monte E. | virago750dude@yahoo.com | |
981st - 71/72 |
Ahleman, William |
212th - 67/68 | Aho, Clarence | cwoha@frontier.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Albert, Michael A. | ||
212th - 65/66 | Alexander, Bill | ||
212th - 71/72 | Alfonso James M. | jimchris.alfonso@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Alfreda, Joseph A. (Joe) | joeya1414@yahoo.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Allen, George | ||
595th - 70/71 | Althaus, Larry | lalthaus@new.rr.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Alvarez. Luis | luisalvrz1@hotmail.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Amy, Thomas J. | thomasamy2323@comcast.net | |
981st - 69/70 | Anderson, James R. | grandsrus@frontiernet.net | |
981st - 70-71 | Anderson, Maury | mauryanderson@ymail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Anderson, Timmy K. | handyandy60@hotmail.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Andrews, James A. | ||
981st - 68/69 | Apicella, John M. | johnnyaps@gmail.com | |
981st - 68/69 |
Archer, Frank E. |
595th - 71/72 | Armstrong, Jesse | jesse7521@yahoo.com | |
981st - 71/72 | Aroyan, Ronald | ronaroyan@gmail.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Atkins, Wayne | dnlatkins@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Aukamp, Dennis L. | daukamp@yahoo.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Au, Herman | hcandann@gmail.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Avagliano, Thomas V. | snkrtom@yahoo.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Ayala, Ernie | ayalaK9Alum9@gmail.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Bailey, Bruce C. | ||
212th - 67/68 | Baker, David | ||
212th - 67/68 | Baker, Wynne | wynne.baker@att.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Bandtlow, Steve | steves4dgarage@gmail.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Barck, Jack C. | ||
981st - 70/71 | Barcus, James | ||
212th - 69/70 | Barnes, Chris | ||
212th - 71/72 | Barrow, Thomas A. | tabarrow@gmail.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Bass Robert P. | robert6249@yahoo.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Battista, Mario | batt212@aol.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Batty, Robert S. | battyrs@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Baughman, Rob | rob4b1@icloud.com | |
595th - 70/71 | Beasey, Michael K. | ||
981st - 67/68 | Belmas, Paul J. | unlisted | |
981st - 67/68 | Belt, William (Jack) | Unlisted | |
595th - 71/72 | Bender, David | dav3515@aol.com | |
981st - 71/72 | Bently, Alfred | ab121050@aol.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Berghuis, Jeff | jberghuis6@gmail.com | |
595th - 70/71 | Bergman, David W. | bmansurfer@hotmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Bergstrom, James E. | ||
212th - 69/70 | Bibb, Robert W. | Rwb3212@gmail.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Birchard, Charles | cfbir64792@gmail.com | |
595th - 71/72 | Bivin, Bill | ||
981st - 69/70 | Bjerke, Iver I. | ibjerke@gmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Blackman, George J. | gcblackman@live.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Bladorn, Dale | blades614@yahoo.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Blanton, Thomas L. | ||
212th - 68/69 | Bodwell, Edmund C. | ||
212th - 71/72 | Boek, Earl A. | earlallenboek@gmail.com | |
595th - 70/71 | Bloomfield, Mikele | mbapplegate@gmail.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Bolton, Willie R. | williebolton@att.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Boone, Tommy F. | tfboone135@gmail.com | |
981st -70/71 | Borg, Roland E. | ||
212th -68/69 | Borge, Greg | ||
981st - 67/68 | Bott, Craig L. | ||
212th - 69/70 | Botts, James R. | jrbotts48@gmailcom | |
212th - 69/70 | Boudreaux, Larry G. | ||
212th - 67/68 | Bouslaugh, Robert | bbozlow@gmail.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Boughton, Fredric D. | ||
981st - 69/70 | Bowden, Bob | bandcbowden@yahoo.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Bowman, Lawrence G. | lbowman2@aol.com | |
595th - 70'/71' | Bowman, Wesley G. | wesleybowman@sbcglobal.net | |
212th - 69'/70' | Boyd Jr, Albert Cameron | acboyd@bellsouth.net | |
212th - 69/70 | Boylan, Joseph A. (Joe) | sixthscale@printprollc.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Bradley, Lee | mp1sgret@aol.com | |
981st - 67/68 |
Braum, Roy |
212th - 67/68 | Bratton, William J. | ||
212th - 70/71 | Brayboy William T. | williambrayboy27@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Brennan, Richard M. | ||
212th - 67/68 | Brewer Ralph W. | pbrewer2@comcast.net | |
981st - 68/69 | Brigance, Michael E. | ||
595th - 70/71 | Britten, Fred A. | fbritten@midplains.coop | |
981st - 71/72 | Brodine, Stanley | stanleybrodine@yahoo.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Brooks, Charles R. | crbrooks49@gmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Brooks, Claude (Bert) | brooks6864@att.net | |
212th - 65/66 | Brouillette, Allen | ||
981st - 67/68 | Brown, Homer W. Vet Tech | cherylroseb2@yahoo.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Bruns, Thomas | ||
212th - 70/71 | Bryant, Albert S. (Al) | almitsuibry@icloud.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Burbach, Keith | kdburb@aol.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Burkle, Richard (Rich) | lmb1966comcast.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Busk, Tom | tombusk@outlook.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Busovicki, George | ||
595th - 70/71 | Butler, Jack | tooltimejack@hughes.net | |
981st - 67/68 | Buzzell, Clarron G. | ronbuzzy@yahoo.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Byron, Hugh A. | bodgerita@gmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Cahill, Edward J. | ||
981st - 71/72 | Caldwell, Daryl | dcaldwell2428@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Caldwell, John K. | kyreel@roadrunner.com | |
981st - 68/69 | Caldwell, Steven K. | stevecapella@netscape.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Campbell, John. | JohnFCampbell4463@gmail.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Campbell, Robert R. | ||
212th - 65/66 | Campbell, Winton G. | ||
981st - 70/71 | Canter, Richard A. | richardcanter@att.net | |
212th - 71/72 | Cardella, Sebastian S. | Unlisted | |
981st - 69/70 | Carrier, Larry A. | larrya.carrier@gmail.com | |
981st - 68/69 | Carriere, James | ||
981st - 71/72 | Carter, Robert | bcab@sbcglobal.net | |
212th - 71/72 | Casey, John B. (Jack) | jcase3@sbcglobal.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Casey, Kenneth | pmviola@yahoo.com | |
981st - 68-69 | Cass, Robert (Bob) | robertcass2013@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Cassin, Kevin B. | KFactor51@aol.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Castelli, Dean R. | deanc.2@netzero.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Caudill, Charles (Charlie) | charlesandlouise1@gmail.com | |
981st - 68/69 | Chapman, Dennis P. | hubtacpls@gmail.com | |
595th - 70/71 | Chapman, Ronny | deanc.2@netzero.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Chauncey, George | ||
981st - 67/68 | Chestnut, Doug | dougchestnut@yahoo.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Chidester, Robert W. | williambrayboy27@gmail.com | |
981st - 71/72 | Christopherson, Paul | uptownnut56@icloud.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Christy, Paul O. | ||
212th - 65-66 |
Chudomelka, Chuck |
981st - 70/71 | Claflin, Ken F. | grampasmokey@charter.net | |
212th - 66/67 |
Clarkson, Gavon R. (Ron) |
595TH - 70/71 | Clement, Roy L'. | ||
212th - 67/68 | Cloud, John Wayne | fourclouds@sbcglobal.net | |
212th - 65/66 | Coates, William P. | ||
212th - 71/72 | Colaizzi, Richard J. | rcolaizzi1@hotmail.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Colaneri, Mike | MCPA72@hotmail.com | |
981st - 70'/71' | Colburn, Mike | colbs1950@yahoo.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Coletta, Dave | david_coletta@comcast.net | |
212th - 65/66 | Comstock, Steve | steve@comstock.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Conyers, Danny | danny.conyers69@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Connor, Dennis | ||
981st - 67/68 | Conner, James D. | ||
212th - 65/66 |
Conser, David |
212th - 69/70 | Cook, Paul R. | cookpierce@aol.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Cooper, Joe | ||
981st - 70/71 | Corley, Ronnie Joe | ||
981st - 70-71 | Cotter, Edward J. | Unlisted | |
981st - 69/70 | Cottom, Richard L. | ||
212th - 69/70 | Couch, Ralph E. (Ed) | re.couch44@gmail.com | |
212th - 68-69 | Cowling, Marc | k9ed7071@gmail.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Cox, Blake W. | blakewcox@comcast.net | |
212th - 69/70 | Cox, Gary D. | ||
981st - 70/71 | Cramer, Richard L. | rrrrrr4778@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Crane, Randall | ||
212th - 69/70 | Cremer, Terry L. | btcremrc2@hotmail.com | |
595th - 71/72 | Cronk, Stephan D. | cronk6937@gmail.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Crump, Daryl | dcrump305@gmail.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Crute, Charles P. | cecrute@verizon.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Cunningham, Rich | rmc47optonline.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Currier, Joe G. | currier1@sbcglobal.net | |
981st - 69/70 | Cushing, Raymond F. | ||
981st - 71/72 |
Dahl, David |
212th - 68/69 | Dalrymple, Jerry F. | jerry.dalrymple@comcast.net | |
212th - 66/67 | Damiata, Joe | jdandsd2002@yahoo.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Daniels, Charlie W. | charlie4597@gmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Davis, Charles | ||
981st - 71/72 | Davis, Larry | Ldavis4333@bellsouth.net | |
212th - 65/66 | Davis, Ward L. | no longer active account wdavis@q-com.com | |
981st -70/71 | Deboard, Ronald R. | rrdeboard@yahoo.com | |
212th - 69/70 | DeBoever, Terry | sdeboev@aol.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Degroot, Duane C. | gwrrade@mail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Denny, Laurence L. (Lee) | ibeleeb@yahoo.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Desmarais, Richard L. | ||
981st - 69/70 |
Dickinson, Gary H. |
raverman49@gmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Dinda, James | ||
981st - 68/69 | Dineen, Daniel K. (Dan) | dk_din@msn.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Dobbins, Jerry K. | papax350@yahoo.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Dodge, David G. | ||
212th - 67/68 | Dornberg, Don | Newsrad971@aol.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Draeger, Randy | ||
212th - 65/66 | Dreyer, Robert | PORKEYE@aol.com | |
981st - 68/69 | Dunfey, Kevin | KCD999@aol.com | |
981st - 71/72 | Dunn, Noel O. | 1noel@optonline.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Dunn, Robert (Bob) | duke568xvdha@gmail.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Dziedzic, Sylvester | sylncheryl@gmail.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Echols, David K. | bdph543@verizon.net | |
212th - 71/72 | Edmunds, Donn L. | edmundsdmsa@yahoo.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Eggers, Monte | realmonte@comcast.net | |
981st - 70/71 |
Eisenmenger, Anthony |
212th- 69/70 | Endres, William E. | wene33@aol.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Ernst, Joseph (Joe) C. | joe.boomer@yahoo.com | |
981st - 68/69 | Etheridge, Herbert W. | trekie67@hotmail.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Fanning, Tim | timfan100@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Fantini, Joseph P. (Joe) | joefantini.plumbing@gmail.com | |
595th - 71/72 | Fejes, Alan | ||
212th - 71/72 | Feliszak, Robert J. | imgeobob@aol.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Felton, David M. | ||
212th - 68/69 | Fenwick, James A. | ||
212th - 70/71 | Ferdon, Dave E. | carluv11359@yahoo.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Ferrera, Jack | j.ferrera@CaptJack.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Fleetwood, Lawrence G. (Larry) | lgfleetwood@yahoo.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Fleig, Ralph A. | rfleig@centurylink.net | |
981st - 68/69 | Fleming, William B. | bruceflemin@gmail.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Force, Larry | lforce44@gmailcom | |
981st - 67/68 | Forstner, Joseph A. | forstner@verizon.net | |
981st - 66/67 |
Frafer, Jeff |
595th - 70/71 | Frede, Howard S. | ||
212th - 67/68 | Freedman, Gary M. | g.garyfreedman@att.net | |
981st - 71/72 | Frenette, Jean C. | jfrenette1315@gmail.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Friday, Wesley W. | wwfriday1948@gmailcom | |
981st - 68/70 | Friedrich, Paul | pafriedrich@yahoo.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Gaines, Joseph | ||
981st - 67/68 | Gard, Jerry | gardhouse@yahoo.com | |
981st - 66/68 | Garner, Allen J. | burnlady@aol.com | |
981st - 66/68 | Gawel, Terry | dawngawel@aol.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Gaynor, John S. | jsgaynor06@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Gebhard, Jim (CPT) | ||
981st - 70/71 | Geiss, David J. | davejg@comcast.net | |
212th - 65/66 | Geist, William (Bill) D. | mgb166@gmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Gill, Joe | jgill@bellsouth.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Gill, Roger | rogergill66@gmail.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Gilleran, Joseph (Joe) | jfgilleran@gmail.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Goff, Ernest | ||
981st - 68/69 | Goodin, Lloyd | lloyd52@hotmail.com | |
981st - 67-68 | Goodreau, Wayne F. | wfg213@sbcglobal.net | |
595th - 71/72 | Gowens L. Joaquin | ||
212th - 69/70 | Graves, Lawrence E (Larry) | larrylindagraves@att.net | |
981st - 69/70 | Greggs, Walter J. | ||
212th - 67/68 | Griffin, William S. | mpsentrydog@gmail.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Griffith, John A. | jagriffith@sbcglobal.net | |
981st - 70/71 | Gross, Robert W. | ||
212th - 65/66 | Gwin, Graydon W. | graydongwin@gmail.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Gysel, Jim | jamesgysel@mac.com | |
595th - 70/71 | Haberberger, Robert J. | ||
212th - 69/70 | Hacunda, John J. | jjhacunda@comcast.net | |
981st - 67/68 | Hagge, Gordon G. | gordonski@ mindspring.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Hall, Eddie E. | firstserv@outlook.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Hall, Michael | ||
212th - 69/70 | Hall, Thomas | thomashall4800@gmail.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Halverson, Lee | leehalverson14@gmail.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Hancock, Chester J. | ||
212th - 69/70 | Hancock, Dennis W. | deennliss9@gmail.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Handler, Lawrence K. (Larry) | larryhandler@ymail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Hardin, David | ddh401r@msn.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Harding, Jim | jwhrdh@aol.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Harmer, Joseph D. | harmersink@gmail.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Harper, Lloyd | lloydharper@austin.rr.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Harris, James (Jim) | jimfromhermithaven@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Hashimoto, Ted W. | tedwhashimoto@gmail.com | |
981st - 68/69 | Hathaway, Don | ||
212th - 65/66 | Hathway, Robert J. | bobevictor@aol.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Hayes, Howard | ||
981st - 70/71 | Hayes, William R. | wrhhayes2@msn.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Hayward, Joel | ||
212th - 70/72 | Heard, James D. | daytondeb@earthlink.net | |
981st - 69/70 | Held, Billy H. | billheld@prodigy.net | |
212th - 65-66 | Helmick, Aaron | jujukropf@yahoo.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Henry, James (Jim) | whenryfd@att.net | |
212th - 70/71 | Herold, J. L. | jlherold@lrmutual.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Hewey, Donald L. | dhewey@cox.net | |
212th - 66/67 | Hibbard, John R. | ||
981st - 71/72 | Hild, Edwin C. | edwin@oldehope.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Hill, Jerry D. | ||
981st - 70/71 | Hill, John D. | john.hill981@aol.com | |
981st - 71/72 | Hilly, Jospeh | roadking53@comcast.net | |
212th - 70/71 | Hilsky, Robert J. (Bob) | robhil48@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Hirsch, Bruce A. | bruce.a.hirsch@gmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Hockley, Delton (Del) | ladybugtimes8@icloud.com | |
212th - 67-68 | Hodges, Donald (Don) | bigdon0@hotmail.com | |
212TH - 65/66 | Hoffman, Edmund L. | indmudbug1@aol.com | |
981st - 68/69 | Holloway, Donald L. | myfireplace2009@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Holster, Greg | ||
981st - 69/70 | Holtzleiter, Stanley | ||
981st - 71/72 | Hoskins, Bernie | berniehoskins@gmail.com | |
212th - 68/70 | Howell, Jerry H. | skipandlinda39@gmail.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Hubert, Duane | hubert@rivnet.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Hulbert, Kenneth G. | ||
212th - 65/66 | Huggins, Robert | hugginsrl2@gmail.com | |
981st - 71/72 | Huguenin, Edward U. | ||
595th - 70'/71 | Hunt, Larry K. | Rubrylar@aol.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Huseby, Allen | aghuseby@yahoo.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Huston, David | grandpasjoy10@yahoo.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Iannuzzi, Jack A. | ||
981st - 67/68 | Igoe, Mike | mike_igoe@estreet.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Jacobson, James T. | jacobson5419@yahoo.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Jackson, Jon S. | jacksonbj88@mediacombb.net | |
981st - 68/69 | Jensen, Rocky I. | rjwj@att.net | |
212th -67/68 | Jenssen, Dennis P. | Unlisted | |
981st - 71/72 | Jerchau, Daniel E. (504th MP BN95C) | danjerchau@gmail.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Jerdes, Serge | ||
981st - 70/71 | Johns, David W. | davesvn70@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 |
Johnson, Elbert L. (Bones) |
981st - 69/70 | Johnson, Frank | frankjohnson903@yahoo.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Johnson, Mark | markjulianne@gtmail.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Johnston, Norman D. | frankjohnston101@comcast.net | |
110th (ROK) - 70/71 | Jones Robert A. | justfortoday.rj@gmail.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Jordan, Vernon | vernjordan1@msn.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Joy, Paul M. | ||
212th - 67/68 | Julian, James | Juliangrading@gmail.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Jurasek, Michael J. | ||
212th - 71/72 | Jutton, Douglas | djutton@aol.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Kahan, Lloyd | ||
212th - 71/72 | Kaminsky, Thomas M. (Tom) | old19@aol.com | |
212th - 65/67 |
Kanouse, Jim |
981st - 67/68 | Keen, Robert L. | 132cookie@comcast.net | |
595th - 71/72 |
Keisel, Guy |
212th - 65/66 | Kelly, David | namvet1971@aol.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Kelly, James (Jim) | jmkel12895@aol.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Kelly, Michael J. | ||
212th - 68/69 | Kibby, Jack | maynard714@prodigy.net | |
981st - 67/68 | Kincanon, Lester C. | stephaniekincanon@gmail.com | |
981st - 68/69 | King, George Glen | tuahua@gmail.com | |
595th - 70/71 | King, Larry M. | larry4819king@outlook.com | |
981st - 70-71 | King, Samuel C. (Sam) | skjr@bellsouth.net | |
595th - 70/71 | Kirby, Mike | namvet1971@aol.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Klepacz, Edward | edklepacz@gmail.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Knustrom, Don | dknustrom@yahoo.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Knuth, Richard L. | jfoster@eastpennsboro.net | |
212th - 70/71 | Koberg, Larry | ||
981st - 71/72 | Konen, Dale E. | camaro396425@verizon.net | |
212th - 69/70 | Kooiker, John | jkooiker@premieronline.net | |
212TH - 69/70 | Kowanetz, Edward | Clamdig45@AOL.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Krowen, Duane E. (Cowboy) | Mdkrowen@aol.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Krull, Steven (Steve) | stevekrull@gmail.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Kughn, David P. | davidkughn@gmail.com | |
595th - 70/71 | Kuyper, Harlan | hk.kuyper@gmail.com | |
981st - 67/68 | LaJeunesse, Pete F. | bigpetelaj@msn.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Lambly, David | david.lambly@gmail.com | |
595th - 71/72 | Lamkin, Dave. | dl8725@yahoo.com | |
981st - 71/72 | Langhals, Robert | vlanghals@bright.net | |
981st - 67/68 | |||
212th - 69/70 |
Larson, Loy L. |
212th - 70/71 | Lasseter, Randy | randylasseter@yahoo.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Lawson, John K. | ||
212th - 65/66 | Leach, Dennis | k9212mp@geetel.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Lee, Jack | jdlee196782@gmail.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Lee, John W. | ||
212th - 70/71 | Leidig, Milton | miltonleidig@aol.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Lengel, Gerald | gclengel@verizon.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Leverton, Robert (Tiger) | levertonrobert@yahoo.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Lightcap, Gary | gr.lightggg@gmail.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Lipke, Randy A. | unlisted | |
981st - 69/70 | Longacre, Robert H. | s181rh1@zionsbank.com | |
981st - 68/69 | Lounds, James A. | jalounds@charter.net | |
981st - 71/72 | Lowe, Rick | Unlisted | |
981st - 69/70 | Lubbin Barry S. | haveleashwilltrain@yahoo.com | |
595th - 70/71 | MacArthur, Thomas P. | tommacarthur@hotmail.com | |
595th - 71/72 | Machowski, Edward F. | Unlisted | |
212th - 67/68 | Mackey, Brian | binymac@yahoo.com | |
212th - 69/70 | MacRobbie, Stephen | ||
212th - 67/68 | Maier, Marty | eaglemaier@outlook.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Majeski, Larry R. | bikerhd@sbcglobal.net | |
981st - 70/71 | Mance, Ralph | rmance@wi.rr.com ((NG 03-16-2021) | |
212th - 66/67 | Mandrell, Larry D. | mandls@cox.net | |
212th - 65/66 | Marconi, Donald J. | donmarco@comcast.net | |
212th - 66/67 | Marks, Edward | scaemx@hotmail.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Maron, Thomas | ITM0901@aol.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Marshall, Bruce | bmarshall6540@gmail.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Martin, Wells P. | wellsp@optonline.net | |
212th - 66/67 | Mastusek, Frank. | lazyf@bledsoe.net | |
212th - 69-70 |
Mathis, David |
981st - 71/72 | Matthews, Garfield M. (Gary) | garymmatthews@comcast.net | |
981st - 69/70 | Matthiessen, Larry B. | lmatthiessen@q.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Mattsen, Len | ||
212th - 69/70 | Maul, Marlin | Unlisted | |
212th - 71/72 | McAfee, Donald J. | Unlisted | |
981st - 71-72 | McBride, Thomas L. (Tom) | connie.mcbride1@aol.com | |
981st - 67/68 | McCann, Don | mccann.mccabin@verizon.net | |
212th - 65/66 | McClay, Richard (Rick) | judymcclay@gmail.com | |
981st - 67/68 | McCloskey, William | mccloskeyjb216@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | McClure, Ronald H. (Ron) | ronlinda@windstream.net | |
212th - 69/70 | McDonald, Bruce | ||
981st - 69/70 | McDonald,Thomas J. | t.mcdonald4695@gmail.com | |
981st - 67/68 | McKeever, Timony | gg1820@icloud.com | |
981st - 71/72 | McMillian, Jim | Jdmecu70@gmail.com | |
212th - 1967 | McNamara, John | ||
981st - 71/72 | McPhillips, Richard (Rich) | mcpdist72@gmail.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Medlin, Gene E. | genem1950@yahoo.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Meier, John | john.meier6@gmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Meisenbach, Henry | hmeisenbach@outlook.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Melancon, Doyle | ||
981st - 70/71 | Mendenhall, Steve D. | ||
595th - 71/72 | Mercer, Albert Joe | Unlisted | |
212th - 66/67 | Merritt, Frank | ||
981st - 67-68 | Meza, Ronald | rmezatet68@yahoo.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Mickelsen, Myron D. | skutch7@hotmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Miers, Jerry M. | ||
212th - 67/68 | Millard, Joseph | ||
212th - 67/68 | Miller, Harry | seneca2961@yahoo.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Miller, Maynor D. DuBois | duboismiller1@gmail.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Milligan, John R. | jmilligan@comcast.net | |
212th - 65/66 | Mistretta, Bernard | dogdoc39@yahoo.com | |
595th - 70/71 | Mlack, Russell P. | No Good | |
212th - 67/68 | Mosier, Taurence | ||
212th - 66/67 | Moody, Willian D.. | williammoody20@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Morey, Henry | ||
212th - 65/66 | Moreno, Pedro | ||
212th - 67/68 981st - 67/68 |
Morris, William J. | brkbmorris@aol.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Mortimer, Rush N. | rushdgo@gmail.com | |
212th - 67-68 | Mosier Taurence R. (Terry) | mosier3205@comcast.net | |
981st - 70/71 | Mozeleski, Anthony J. | bossmoz@echoes.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Mulkerin, Regis F. | ||
212th - 68/69 | Murdock, Phillip E. | pemurdock@yahoo.com | |
981st - 68/70 | Murfin, Max, | mmurf7@yahoo.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Muto, Richard | richlm55@verizon.net | |
981st - 69/70 | Naylor, Bruce I. (97th MP BN MPI) | brucenaylor@comcast.net | |
212th - 67-69 |
Nelson, Eric |
981st - 69/70 | Nelson, Joseph W. | joewillie@frontier.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Nelson, Robert L. | boblnelson49@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Nichols, Ronald K. | rev.kerrynichols@yahoo.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Nickelson, John A. | ||
212th - 68/69 |
Nielsen, Fred |
212th - 71/72 | Niemann, David H. | dhnplant5@aol.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Nisser, Ronald A. (Ron) | rnisser@kc.rr.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Noah, William (Bill) | wardog6466@gmail.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Nordlund, Kenneth V. (Ken) | ken.nordlund@wisc.edu | |
212th - 71/72 | Norris, King H. | Unlisted | |
981st - 67/68 | Norwood, Charles E. (Ed) | ed.norwood@yahoo.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Nunn, Ernest J. | ||
212th - 65/66 | Oakes, Felix H | fhoakes@att.net | |
212th - 67/68 | O'Brian, David J. | obriend@mc.net | |
981st - 69/70 | O'Brian, Walter | waltero@centurytel.net | |
981st - 68/69 | O'Daniel, Edward J. | edodaniel@oldsmokie2.com | |
212th - 67/68 | O'Dell, Frankie | ||
981st - 68/69 | O'Donnell, Ray | ray22603@gmailcom | |
981st - 70/71 | Odom, Donald | dodom8@sc.rr.com | |
595th - 71/72 | Olds, Gregory E. | gregeolds@att.net | |
981st - 68-69 | Olson, Michael | olsmi706@yahoo.com | |
212th - 71-72 | Olson, Ross (Rocky) | rockyolson@hughes.net | |
212th - 71/72 | Orestuk, Daniel | ||
981st - 68/69 | Owens, Lester P. | ||
212th - 67/68 | Pace, Michael L. | mpace347@yahoo.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Page, Wm (Bill) | no longer works 11-19-17 | |
981st - 69-70 | Palazzolo, Terry | terryp@gljf.us | |
981st - 68-70 | Palmer, Allan | SNAKESHOTAL@aol.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Parker, Mike | mkpparker1@bex.net | |
212th - 65/66 | Pattyn, Robert (Bob) | bob_pattyn@hotmail.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Pecor, John S. | corvetteman@roadrunner.com | |
595th - 71/72 | Perez, Armando | ||
212th - 65/66 | Perez, Tony | tonyboysa@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Perkins, Larry | ||
981st - 67/68 | Peterson, Arthur C. | artpeterson9202wb@yahoo.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Pitts, James W. (Walter) | pitts5350@comcast.net | |
981st - 68/69 | Placido, Richard A. | rplacido2001@yahoo.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Pokines, Walter A. | silvereagle@woh.rr.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Pope, James A.. | epope53@hotmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Porter, Craig | <robocop1947@live.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Porter, Dennis R. | <pfporter93@gmail.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Poteat, Mickey F. | mickeypoteat@gmail.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Powell, Huey N. | kimberstarr@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Presslor, William L. | ||
212th - 69/70 | Preston, Leland (Lee) | leepreston13@gmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Proctor, William R. | docpro777@comcast.net | |
212th - 66/67 | Quinney, Marvin C. | ||
212th - 70/71 | Raffa, James D. | jdraffa47@yahoo.com | |
981st - 69-70 |
Ragan, Zen |
212th - 66/67 | Rasmussen, Waleigh C. | ||
212th - 68/69 | Ray, Donald P. | donray@donray.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Reardon, John W. | reardonjd@aol.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Revere, Don I. | ||
212th - 68/69 | Revell, Bill | revellbd@premieronline.net | |
212th - 66/67 | Rhew, Edward W. | edwardwrhew@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Rhodes, Theodore O. (Ted) | tedlovesboats@aol.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Rice, Wayne | ||
212th - 68/69 | Richardson, Walter L. | ||
981st - 67/68 | Ridley, Robert D. | ||
981st - 69/70 | Riggs, Roy (Sundog) | ||
212th - 67/68 | Riley, James | Unlisted | |
981st - 70/71 | Ringstad, Kenneth R. | krlrrrring@yahoo.com | |
212th - 65/67 | Ristine, Donald R. | donristine@yahoo.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Robbins, James E. | jim@hitex.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Roberts, James T. Jr | jrobert180@aol.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Rogers, Terry | ||
981st - 71/72 | Rogers, Ray L. | txrattler1969@yahoo.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Romano, William P. | ||
212th - 66/67 | Rooker, Larry M. | ||
212th - 67/68 | Ross, Keith A. | ||
981st - 69/70 | Ross, Richard D.. | richross@frontiernet.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Rust, Garry | getwood@me.com | |
981st - 68/69 | Ruth, Lee O. | cpd129@icloud.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Sanders, James D. (Doug) | Catskinner31331@nym.hush.com | |
981st - 71/71 | Sandlin, Jack | jack@jacksandlin.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Sapp, Dorsey | bostonrescue@yahoo.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Scarborough, Michael | bones1@tds.net | |
981st - 69/70 |
Schaefer, Ralph |
212th - 67/68 | Scheffler, Jim | ||
981st - 70/71 | Schell, Scott | sschell2@frontier.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Schilling, Joachim W. (Jock) | chesterboogie123@gmail.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Schruth, Douglas J. | doug@schruth.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Schulthess, Mark D. | mpdogs1969@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Schwanke, Rodger L. | ||
212th - 68/69 | Scott, Robert L. | alselig@bellsouth.net | |
212th - 66/67 | Seligman, Arnold L. | ||
981st - 70'/71' | Shaffer Robert A. | boboshaffer@juno.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Sharkey, Bernard P. | butchsharkey@aol.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Sherrie, Richard | sherrie-i-r@comcast.net | |
212th - '67 | Shine, James | johannk9@aol.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Siedler, William | thinkagainbybill@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Sierecki, Richard | papakookie@att.net | |
212th - 70/71 | Simon, John F. | ||
981st - 69/70 | Siwek, Bernard | sentrydogman@comcast.net | |
212th - 68-69 | Smallwood, Arthur W. | jackiesmallwood@aol.com | |
595th - 71'/72' | Smith, Vince L. | Unlisted | |
981st - 71/72 | Smith, Gary S. | puppypusher@att.net | |
212th - 69/70 | Spadaro, Lawrence J. | ljsparo@optonline.net | |
981st - 68/69 | Spaeth, Paul R. | ||
981st - 70/71 | Splan, Stephen (Steve) | ssplan@hotmail.com | |
981st - 67/68 | St. Clair, Dennis W. (Denny) | dennystclair@yahoo.com | |
981st - 70/71 | St- Onge, William James | armyponcho_dot_dad@yahoo.com | |
595th - 70/71 | Staehle, William E. (Bill) | staehlew1@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Stathas, Steve | greekmansports@sbcglobal.net | |
212th - 65/66 | Steinberg, Dick | k9top@tampabay.rr.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Steinhauer, Mel | msteinjr@msn.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Stemwedel, Lloyd | ||
981st - 71/72 | Stewart, Gary | gdstew@roadrunner.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Stockes, Phillip | stocpg@hotmail.com | |
595th - 70/71 | Strigham, Glenn | glennltc@bellsouth.net | |
212th - 71/72 | Suelter, Fred | ||
981st - 69/70 | Sullivan, Vincent | vfs316@hotmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Swanson Ronald C. (Ron) | rr811@verizon.net | |
212th - 69/70 | Szilvagyi, Paul | pszilvagyi@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Taylor, Bob | bdtaylor@eltopia.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Thomas, Dennis W. | farfromthebeach@hotmail.com | |
212th - 68/69 | Thomas, John O. (Norm) | rrn4bucks47@yahoo.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Threadwell, Dana C. | dana.t@charter.net | |
212th/272nd - 68/69 | Tindall, Michael | Mikernice2@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Tobia, Joseph | maryt6@ptd.net | |
981st - 68/69 | Toth, Bill | dstinc24@gmail.com | |
595th - 71/72 | Tremelling, Gene | tremgs76@gmail.com | |
595th - 69-71 | Trepagnier, John | jack.trepagnier@aol.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Tuley, David T. | ptuley2255@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Turpin, Timothy N. | Unlisted | |
981st - 68/69 | Turner, Carl A. | tarcla1@yahoo.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Tuttle, Ronald | ron.tuttle@yahoo.com | |
212th, 981st - 69/70 | Twillman, Ron | rontwillman@gmail.com | |
212th - 66-67 | Valverde, Louis A. | louvalverde44@gmail.com | |
212th - 70/72 | Vanderbilt, James W. | jjvanderbilt@yahoo.com | |
981st - 71/72 | Van Pelt, Robert F. | bob.vanpelt17323@gmail.com | |
212th - 70/71 | VanWagenen, John | johnloisvw@gmail.com | |
981st - 71/72 | Venturo, Anthony | aventuro@snet.net | |
212th - 66/67 | Vicars, Harold | vicdean760@aol.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Volker, Jeffery | jeffvolker@yahoo.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Waas, Ed | fromla2kc@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Wagner, Jeffrey L. | jlwagner013@gmail.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Walker, John K. | john.k.walker@lycra.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Ward, Lewis E. | lewisward50@gmail.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Warren, Ronald | nolongerworks | |
212th - 70/71 | Weeber Edwin R. (Ned) | ned.weeber@gmail.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Weiss, Wayne | waynweiss@aol.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Wells, Martin P. | wellsp@optonline.net | |
595th - 70/71 | Wesley, Stephen L. | wesleymemaw6@netzero.net | |
212th - 69/70 | Wetherbee, Lloyd | lw_bee@yahoo.com | |
981st - 70/71 | White, Lee R. | lrwhite133@gmail.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Whitney, David | dbwhitney46@gmail.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Whittaker, Lee | leewhittaker@yahoo.com | |
212th - 69/70 | Widmann, Robert A. | speedybob509w@hotmail.com | |
595th - 70/71 | Wiley, Michael | flodiaw@gmail.com | |
981st - 70/71 | Willenbrock, Joe | joewillenbrock@yahoo.com | |
212th - 65/66 | Wilson, Larry | lwilson1@bellsouth.net | |
212th - 65/66 | Wilson, Roy | landrwil@comcast.net | |
212th - 68/69 | Witty, Charles | charles.witty@sbcglobal.net | |
212th - 67/68 | Wolfe, Thomas | vp_wolfe@yahoo.com | |
981st - 67/68 | Wolford, Howard J. | wolford000@centurytel.net | |
981st - 71/72 | Wood Allen E. | UNLISTED | |
981st - 67/68 | Woolridge, Dale W. | dale@dalewoolridge.com | |
212th - 69-71 | Wright,J. Warren | kahunajw@yahoo.com | |
212th - 67/68 | Wright, Michael | the17carwins@gmail.com | |
212th - 71/72 | Wynne, Calvin L. | calvin@texasonline.net | |
981st - 69/70 | Yancey, James H. | jhysr@casair.net | |
981st - 70/71 | Yates Robert W. (218th MP CO) | bobyates833@gmaill.com (?) | |
595th - 70/71 | Zehner, Gregory | kzehner@woh.rr.com | |
212th - 66/67 | Zimmerman, John R. | zman731@msn.com | |
212th - 70/71 | Zinn, Frederick A. (Fred) | fredazinn@outlook.com | |
981st - 69/70 | Zweigle, Gordon | gzweigle@live.com |
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BY: G.S.