Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002
Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002
Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002
Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002 Veterans Day Parade - Phoenix AZ 2002

Veteran's Day Report

by Jim Frost

The Phoenix Veteran's Day Parade went great!!! An estimated 140,000 people stood along the 2 mile parade route. We received a great reception from the people cheering and applauding our Salute to the War Dog entry. My thanks to the following puppy pushers who walked with our entry. Each guy walked with a dog at his side in remembrance of his dog from Nam, and each had pictures of his dog.

  • Ernie Ayala - Los Angeles and 212th MP Company
  • Ron Woodson - Glendale, AZ and 981st MP Company
  • Jack Morris - Tucson, AZ and Infantry Patrol Dog Handler
  • Gordon Wildes - Mesa, AZ and Air Force Dog Handler

Ernie wore the uniform of a Sentry Dog Handler and gave the crowd a great perspective of a soldier and his dog. Thanks to the Grand Canyon German Shepherd Dog Club and the Phoenix Seeing Eye Foundation for their participation and sponsorship of the parade entry - the second year in a row the GCGSDC has participated. Their members are the most gracious and amazing people I have ever met.

All Photo's are the copyright of Jim Frost, and may not be copied or duplicated with out his permission.

Narrative with Photo's


      Members of the Grand Canyon German Shepard Dog Club, and the Phoenix Seeing Eye Foundation, represent the thousands of American civilians who volunteered their animals for war duty, and the former Vietnam Veterans Dog Handlers, proudly salute the contributions and sacrifices made by the war dog.

      In Vietnam, the role of dogs included, Sentry Dog, Scout, Patrol Detection, Tunnel searches, Booby Trap and Mine Detection, and Tracker Duties. It is estimated in Vietnam Alone, 10,000 additional American casualties were prevented by the use of canine units. Out of the estimated 4,000 dogs used for the Vietnam conflict, 281 were listed as officially "Killed in Action", while less than 300 actually returned to the United States at the end of the conflict.

      Their sacrifices was made with a Loyalty and Courage that is legendary among those Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and Airmen who worked alongside their four footed comrades. To this day, each dog handler can quote the name and I.D. number of his canine, tell a story of how great this dog was, and will still shed a tear in remembrance.


My eyes are your eyes,
To watch and protect you.

My ears are your ears,
To hear and detect the evil minds
In the dark.

My nose is your nose,
To scent the invaders into or domain.

And so you may live,
My life is also yours.

Participants in this entry remind people to never forget the role these magnificent animals played in preserving the liberties and freedoms we all enjoy.

Ernie in Parade

Jim, Ron, and Gordon

Gordon and Ron


Acknowledging the crowd



Seeing Eye Foundation


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Created on 08/03/2009
By J.D.