Ever Vigilant- Dog and Handler

Military Police Crest


Larry Majeski
212th 65/66

Dave Keeton
981st 67/68

Jack H. Duffell
212th 71/72


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June 2005

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06/22/2005: "Reunion Update"

Reunion Update

Less than 2 months and counting. Time to get those registrations in. Come join your fellow dog handlers and renew old friendships. So far, I have registrations from the following individuals:
Duane Kern, 212th, 65-66
Henry Labombard, 212th, 65-66
Richard L. Muto, 212th, 65-66
Charlie Hahn, 212th, 66-67
John Zimmerman, 212th, 66-67
Ernie Ayala, 212th, 67-68
William C. Lyle, 212th, 67-68
Ernest L. May, 212th 67-68
Jerry Hutchings, 212th 69-70
Jack Duffell, 212th, 71-72
Michael W. Igoe, 981st, 67-68
David L. Keeton, 981st 67-68
Stan Brodine, 981st, 71-72
Rex Hughes, 981st 71-72
Ray L. Rogers, 981st, 71-72
Gary Smith, 981st, 71-72

Please keep Bill McKinley, 212th, 65-66, in your thoughts and prayers. He is completing chemotherapy for colon cancer and is hoping to come to the reunion.

Also keep David Ford, 212th, 68-69, and all the members of our Armed forces in your thoughts and prayers. Pray for everyone’s safe return.

It’s summer road construction time in Kansas City. For those of you who come into Kansas City from the North on I-35, the Paseo Bridge across the Missouri River is closed. The detour is well-marked so keep an eye out for the signs.

I received a note from, Ernie Ayala that he had announced the reunion in “The Dogman” and his local newspaper. If anyone else could put a notice in their local papers, it would be appreciated. We might be able to make some new contacts. I will try to get it announced on our local cable channels.

I was contacted by Wanda Pitts. Her father, TSGT Kenneth E. Pitts, trained sentry dog handlers at Lackland AFB, Texas in the early 60’s. She would like to hear from anyone who remembers her father. Please write her at: Wanda L. Pitts; 718 South Glenwood Avenue; Russellville, AR 72801-6022.

The T-Bones, our local minor league team, will be playing the St. Paul Saints on Friday night, 12 August. A great time for very little money. Something to do after shopping at Cabala’s and Nebraska Furniture Mart.

While Kansas City is a nice place, how about visiting another part of the country for our next reunion. Larry Majeski and I would be glad to give you information if you would be interested in taking it on.

The big hunks of meat are waiting, so get those registrations in. See you in August.

Gary S. Smith, 981st, 71-72
22108 West 64th Terrace
Shawnee, KS 66027
(913) 441-6344


We have over 328 members on-line,
as of December 29th, 2004.

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Last Updated on 01/22/2009
By J.D.