Notice of Deaths

I could not find obituaries for the following but I have been supplied with information that I believe is correct. Ronny D. Bair 981st 70-71 New Philadelphia, OH July 31, 1987 Ralph Hamblin, 981st 70-71, Colorado Springs, CO April 15, 2003 The below entry is a correction of the date.  My error. Jerry Griffis, 595th … Read more

97th MP Battalion Commander LTC Reichel Obituary

I got this from Jim Frost, 981st 71-72.   LTC Reichel who was the Battalion Commander for the 97th MP Bn, that the 981st was a part of when we were there, passed away a year and  a half ago.  He left quite a legacy for his life, January 05, 1935 – July 23, 2015 Share this … Read more

Another Reunion Update

This is from Ray Rogers, 981st 71-72 Reunion Coordinator: This is this week’s updated list. I think you already have the first two names but I will repeat them: Dennis Jensen Rich McPhillips… Chuck Milner Melvin Canady Howard Winey I now have 68 handlers with a total of 122 people attending the reunion. Everyone should remember … Read more

Unacceptable ID’s at DOD Installations

David Johns 981st 70-71 alerted me of this in time for the upcoming reunion. DoD bases no longer accepting driver’s licenses from 5 states as ID. I got this from Fox News. Defense Department bases no longer will accept driver’s licenses from five states as proof of ID — a consequence of the implementation of … Read more

What to Expect at the Reunion

Hi Everyone, My name is Gary Smith 981st 71-72. I have been asked to write a little bit about our upcoming reunion in San Antonio, TX. It starts March 16 thru March 19, 2017. That is only 91 days from now. Ray Rogers, 981st 71-72 who is one of the coordinators for the reunion told … Read more

Reunion Update

Guys Ray asked me to put this out to you all: I need to have all the registrations to me by Wednesday 03-01-17 so we can get a good head count to get the food ordered for the Saturday evening banquet dinner also a headcount for the snacks, beer, liquor, sodas and bottled water for … Read more

Who Is Coming to the Reunion and An Invitation to Dine

I have been asked for the names of the folks attending our reunion. Here is the list. Ernie Ayala Maury Anderson Charles Birchard … Stanley Brodine Robert Bouslaugh Randall Crane Terry Cremer Kenneth Casey Edward Cotter John Cloud Daniel Dallas Duane Ellingson Robert Feliszak Joseph Forstner Dave Geiss James Gysel Harold Gearhart Donald Hodges Allen … Read more

Harry Wickwire 212th 67-68

It is with sadness I have to inform you all of the loss of another dog handler. Harry William Wickwire died October 2016 in Miami, Florida. There is some confusion about where and when exactly Harry served. Our records reflect 212th 67-68. Harry’s brother George thought he served 1965-66 and again 68-69 in the Long … Read more

What is Going On With Our Web Site

Awhile back I mentioned we were considering about changing web hosting company. We did that we are now with Go Daddy.  To get messages out on the website we are using a new program called Word Press. With the other Web Hosting Company we used a Program called Greymatter which does not work with our new … Read more

Welcome to the New News Page

Welcome members to the newest addition to our web site.  This is where you will find the latest information and photos that is of mutual concern to our members.